tisdag 19 april 2011

Ny beställning av homeopatmedel

Jag har just ruinerat mig själv - igen! Jag vet inte för vilken gång i raden.. men ruinerat mig har jag gjort. På vad? Kläder? Smink? Nej, inte den här gången heller.. snarare på försök att bli bra. För vilken gång i raden..? Jag minns inte. Men nu har jag letat och läst på på egen hand.. får hoppas jag lärt mig något.

Har lagt en ganska stor order på ett antal homeopatmedel med olika verkan i tarmkanalen.. samt några preparat åt hundarna :) Tänkte jag skulle försöka lösa deras problem med när de blir sjuka istället för att springa till veterinären i tid och otid och få en massa skit som bara förgiftar dem ändå! Att de dessutom hade rabatt på glukosamin klagar jag inte över..

Denna gången är jag inne på Dr Reckwegs homeopatmedel. Hittade följande bra checklista på deras site där man får en relativt bra översikt över vilka preparat som är bra för vilken åkomma.

is the remedy to use for localized inflammation, glandular swelling and fever. R6 should be taken at the first appearance of symptoms such as body aches and pains, fever, headaches, sore throat, sneezing and congestion. It may also be used in prevention, when you have been in contact or when you get the flu. R8 and R9 are to be used in acute or chronic case of bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and fits of coughing. They may be used alone or in alternation.
is a fast pain reliever that can be used in acute or chronic situations. R1 can be used before and after dental surgery to help reduce the local inflammation. It contains mercurius sublimatus and will aid in amalgam detoxification. R35 is the specific formula for toothaches and teething. It contains ingredients that will act to decrease pain and inflammation of the gums. R55 is recommended before and after dental surgery to accelerate the regeneration of tissues and resolve the process of inflammation, swelling and pain.
is mostly used in high emotional situations accompanied with conditions of nervous exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia, prolonged grief, mental indifference as well as discouragement and grief after a death. Use R14 to help with various causes of insomnia, sleep disturbances, superficial sleep, mental and physical restlessness and overactivity when trying to sleep.
digestiveR4 is a fast acting remedy for acute gastroenteritis. R5 acts directly on the inflamed mucosa of the stomach and is used in cases of gastritis, dyspepsia, heartburn, frequent belching, flatulence and meteorism. R7 will help stimulate the liver and gallbladder in cases of over indulging. Since headaches and migraines are sometimes related to digestive problems, R16 will remedy their symptoms. R37 is to be used for colics of all types (ie. flatulent, intestinal, bilious, menstrual and renal). R52’s main focus is on the gastrointestinal tract and will remedy symptoms of nausea.
enuresisR74 should be used for functional problems of the bladder, which is very common in the elderly. Frequent urges to urinate or a loss of a few drops of urine when laughing or coughing indicate a need for R74. Use this formula as well for children above the age of 3, who suffer from nocturnal enuresis (bet wetting). R76 should be used for acute asthma attacks, cough, pain and constriction in the chest, anxiety and respiratory distress.
Use R1 to reduce local inflammation and congestion when the area is red, painful and swollen. R1 acts as an anti-inflammatory and can be used in acute or chronic situations. R55 can be used for all types of trauma, injuries, including sprains, strains and fractures. R55 will accelerate the regeneration of the tissues, the reunion of the bones in cases of fractures and resolve the process of inflammation, swelling and pain. R30 can be applied topically to the affected area to reduce the inflammation.
hemorrhoidsUse R1 to reduce localized inflammation in cases of acute hemorrhoids. R13 will remedy symptoms of hemorrhoids such as inflammatory pain, venous congestion, burning and itching of the rectum. Apply R30 topically to affected area for relief of itchiness and pain of hemorrhoids. Note: use R37 to regulate the stools at the same time to prevent the recurrence of the symptoms.
is the remedy to have on hand for the relief of symptoms associated with periodic migraines, nervous headaches, neuralgia of the head and cerebral congestion. R81 acts as an analgesic for the relief of pain due to headaches, rheumatism, arthritis and muscle aches. R7 should be considered for headaches that usually start right after eating due to hepatic obstruction and congestion of the liver.
Use R1 to reduce localized inflammation in rheumatism. R11 is the specific remedy for acute or chronic rheumatic aches especially when aggravated by the change in temperature or humidity. R30 is to be used topically for rheumatism affecting the muscles and joints to help reduce inflammation. R46 is the remedy for rheumatism of the forearms and hands with swelling of the articulations. Finally, R71 is a quick pain reliever for acute symptoms related to sciatica.
is for the treatment of acute and chronic eczema, pimples, scabs, blisters and for dry skin with scale formation. Usually eruptions are moist and intensely pruritic with pus formation. R53 is mostly recommended for teenagers but is also useful in adults. It is good for acne vulgaris, pimples, eczema, dermatitis and suppurative diseases of the skin. This formula is Useful for both dry and oily skin types. R65 should be considered for psoriasis, psoriasis-like eczema, itching, rough, hard and persistent dryness of the skin. Both R23 and R65 should be taken over a long period of time. Every skin problem should start with a liver drainage treatment (R7), which will help eliminate the accumulation of toxins that are in the body, which can cause bad skin problems.
is an excellent tonic for anyone wanting to naturally increase their energy level. The whole family can benefit from its nutritive properties and many possible usages. It can be used for various ailments such as anemia, after surgery to help speed up the recovery and after pregnancy to help fight exhaustion. It is also an excellent tonic for children and seniors to help in cases of lack of concentration and/or weak memory. V-C15 is recommended for general lack of energy with physical and mental weakness. It can also be used in postpartum depression for mental and/or physical exhaustion and nervous irritability.
emergencykitR1 is the remedy to have on hand for any inflammatory condition, fever, infection and local congestion. R4 is a fast acting formula for acute gastroenteritis, intestinal spasms and diarrhea. R16 should be used at the first sign of a migraine, headache or cerebral congestion. R30 applied topically will give immediate relief of inflammatory conditions, muscular pain, contusions, cuts, bruises, sunburns, insect bites and small open wounds. R52 is the remedy for motion sickness and nausea and finally R55 should be used for all types of trauma to accelerate the regeneration of the tissues and resolve the process of inflammation, swelling and pain.

Källa: http://www.reckeweg.com/groups.htm

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